SILENCE by Karul Projects - Tour Announcement

Image credit Simon Woods

Media Release August 2022

Announcing tickets on sale for the August - October Queensland tour of SILENCE by Karul Projects, produced by BlakDance.

“Yes, this is an urgent piece of ceremony”  Ellen van Neerven

“Kelly’s movement style is grounded and fluid, rising and falling with a flurry of wild pent-up spinning and stamping” Denise Richardson, Dance Australia

The SILENCE Queensland tour opens in a homecoming at HOTA Home of the Arts, Gold Coast 31 August 2022. The tour presents live and digital performances as well as workshops along Queensland’s east coast.

SILENCE is an entry point to First Nations human rights, our struggle, and call for Treaty. 

Choreographed by Thomas E.S. Kelly, SILENCE is a powerful dance performance, featuring seven performers on a stage slowly engulfed in dirt, representing the call for Land Back.
Dynamic live percussion drives the dancers' exploration of past, present, alternate realities and dreamscapes of the milky way and Murun, the emu in the sky.

Karul Projects is an emerging First Nations professional contemporary dance company based on Minjungbal Jogan, founded in 2017 by Thomas E.S. Kelly, Minjungbal-Yugambeh, Wiradjuri and Ni-Vanuatu, and Taree Sansbury, Kaurna, Narrunga and Ngarrindjerri. 

Tour dates and locations

HOTA Home Of The Arts, Gold Coast (31 August - 1 September) Kombumerri

Bulmba-ja Arts Centre, Cairns (7 September) (presented in partnership with Cairns Indigenous Art Fair, CIAF) Yidinji

Dancenorth, Townsville (8 September) (workshop) Wulgurukaba

Proserpine Entertainment Centre, Proserpine (9 September) (digital presentation) Giya

Eungella State School, Eungella, (12 September) (schools workshop) Yuwiburra and Widi

Pilbeam Theatre, Rockhampton (15 September) Darumbal

Logan Entertainment Centre, Logan (11 October) Yuggera And Gugingin

Redland Performing Arts Centre, Redland (14 October) Quandamooka
