Martha Hincapié Charry: HECATOMB III - movements and rituals for the renewal of the world

First Nations Dialogues tanzmesse

Düsseldorf, Germany

By Martha Hincapié Charry

 (Anti-colonial Curator, BIPoC artist, Pina Bausch Fellow, ZTB - Contemporary Dance Berlin board member)

For the first time since its inception, the tanzmesse 2024 program included First Nations Dialogues, a meeting of global Indigenous voices together with TAIWAN MOVE!, The Dance Centre Vancouver, Canadian Association for the Performing Arts (CAPACOA) and Creative Australia in partnership with BlakDance. Indigenous choreographers, dancers, producers and cultural workers met in Düsseldorf and were present in different spaces sharing plural perspectives.

Although the currently largest international dance fair, with around 1,500 participants, did not formally announce the full Indigenous presence within its program, besides the relevant panel, A Space for Indigenous Voices, the synergies that were generated between all representatives exceeded the expectations of rapprochement, networking and generation of bonds that an event of this magnitude can offer.

Undoubtedly the factor of self-determination and mutual recognition played a vital role in the nets that were woven during the 4 days of intense programming. Surely without this network of support, emotional accompaniment and "internal visibility", piloting tanzmesse would have entailed a bigger challenge.

The perceptions around all the contributions made to the tanzmesse by the Indigenous representatives certainly generated spaces of exchange, putting on the table sensitive issues that especially in Europe are not part of the conversation in the field of dance, which makes clear the great need to further unfold these dialogues as developers of reflection.

Colonialism is an ongoing project. Indigenous peoples are here to mirror colonial paradigms, and we are here to stay.


First Nations Dialogues tanzmesse - Düsseldorf, Germany is a curated experience of global Indigenous performances, discussions, workshops, and protocols across internationale tanzmesse nrw 28 - 31 August 2024.

It is for us, by us* and at times, we invite the broader tanzmesse delegates to join us for insights into our collective experience. 

Led in Australia by BlakDance, in partnership with TAIWAN MOVE!, The Dance Centre Vancouver, Canadian Association for the Performing Arts (CAPACOA), Creative Australia and tanzmesse, the First Nations Dialogues tanzmesse includes; 

  • Closed protocol session for Indigenous delegates*

  • A daily check in for Indigenous delegates*

  • One on One presenter meetings for contextualising Indigenous contemporary dance practice  (presenters only) at the Creative Australia booth or TAIWAN MOVE! island**

  • Key Note by Martha Hincapié Charry (Quimbaya, Colombia)

  • Presentation Swedish Dance: Jillat, Sami Dance Center, Aira Dance Company by Liv Aira (Sàpmi, Sweden)

  • Daddy by Joel Bray Dance full length presentation

  • Hello Buffalo by Daina Ashbee open studio presentation

  • Australian Party hosted by Creative Australia with Gary Lang (Larrakia, Australia), Joel Bray, BlakDance

  • Space for Indigenous Voices panel discussion with:

  • Daina Ashbee, Cree, Métis, Canada

  • Fangas Nayaw, Amis, Taiwan

  • Joel Bray, Wiradjuri, Australia 

  • Liv Aira, Sàpmi, Sweden 

  • Sasa Shu-Lin HSIAO,  Makatao, Taiwan

  • Gary Lang, Larrakia, Australia 


MEET UP: A Space for Indigenous Voices

Thursday, August 29th, 12:30 - 14:00

This meet-up is an initiative by National Kaohsiung Center for the Arts (Weiwuying), commissioned by Taiwan's Ministry of Culture, in collaboration with BlakDance, The Dance Centre Vancouver and Canadian Association for the Performing Arts (CAPACOA) in Canada.


We build on years of convening and conversation within formal and informal networks in the Indigenous and non-Indigenous performance sectors at Tanzmesse. We build on forty years of vibrant dialogue between Global Indigenous contemporary performance and dance leaders. 

First Nations Dialogues discusses the development of cultural change through presenting Indigenous performance and building demand and capacity for the presenting sector.

*For us by us is a term used by Indigenous peoples to describe a process of Self-determination and indicates safe spaces. This is usually an Indigenous only space, or by invitation only.

**To book in a one on one meeting on contextualising Indigenous contemporary practice, please email Nicole Reilly at BlakDance on 


Martha Hincapié Charry: HECATOMB II - movements and rituals for the renewal of the world

South x South Relations (WT)

Martha Hincapié Charry (Keynote)

Each Talk & Connect day begins with a keynote introducing the day’s topic. This is followed by a participatory exchange in the form of a Fishbowl discussion.

29 August
14:30 – 16:30
34 OST
| Talk & Connect


Aira Dance Center, Image credit: Daryoush Tahmasebi

Aira Dance Company

The world's first ever Sami dance center opens in November 2024 outside Jokkmokk in Vuollerim in an award winning beautiful design building.
Presenting at the Swedish Dance Experience.
29 August in Sammlung Philara


Image credit: Bryony Jackson

DADDY by Joel Bray dance

30 August
21:00 – 22:15
FFT Düsseldorf
| Big Stage


Image credit: Maria Baranova

Hello Buffalo by Daina Ashbee

31 August
14:30 – 15:50
tanzhaus nrw | Studio 3



Excerpt Dancing Place with Merindah Donnelly


BlakDance has received funding support for First Nations Dialogues Tanzmesse by the Australian Government through Creative Australia and the Queensland Government through Arts Queensland.